Therapeutic Eye Pillow

#1 Doctor Recommended

Clinically Proven

For treating blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), stye, chalazion, contact lens dry eye, LASIK dry eye and suchlike

Made in Borneo Island

Proudly designed and produced in Borneo from organic and locally sourced materials


Clear the eyes’ oil glands to allow natural oils to flow back onto the eye

Relieve dry eye in one session. Recommended for

Digital Eye Strain

Prolonged use of screen time

Dry Eye

Any conditions that result in dry eye

Contact Lens Wear

Suitable for use after contact lens wear

The aim is to restore homeostasis to the ocular surface

Why Us?


It promotes healing by increasing cell metabolism, increasing protein secretion, smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating dark circles around your eyes


The eye pillow targets muscles around the eye area to help loosen tension and provide relief after a long day of looking at digital devices like our computers and smartphones


Safe for frequent use up to a period of 6 months


Findings of greater tear film stability and increased tear film lipid layer thickness in patients with MGD following eye pillow treatment have been well supported by studies. A 2018 study by Australian Universities showed improvements in all sections of dry eye measurements with the use of therapeutic eye pillow


Unlike other hot compresses & heat packs in the general market, our eye pillow is designed specifically for the eyes. It is not too hot for the eyes at 32-45C, which melts the oil glands and it will remain warm enough to fully penetrate the tarsal plates and reach the right temperature at the inner eyelids


No need to add water. Not all eye pillows are created equal. Our eye pillow absorbs water from the air and this results in an extended uniform moist heat when activated.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

MGD occurs due to a blockage or some other abnormality of the Meibomian glands where they don’t secrete enough oil into the tears. MGD is the leading cause of dry eye disease.

Eye Pillow would be good for this

Worth the price. Very good quality! Worth the price!

I like how it fully covers your eye! The heating feature is perfect temperature, it won’t be too warm that irritates you.

This is very helpful for my dry eyes. While I use this for my eyes, this is the perfect time to meditate and relax.

I was skeptical at first, but after 2 nights of falling asleep while using it. I'm sold.

Love this product! This unit has been a game changer for me. I have had a dramatic reduction in the intensity of my eye strains and I have noticed improved sleep on the days I use it. I have already recommended this to co workers and family.
