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Why do we get dry eye?

Only 33% of us clean our eyes properly! 86% of dry eyes result from lack of daily eyelid and eyelash care We have oil glands in our eyelids that produce natural lubricants. Dirt, make ups, bacterias can accumulate and suffocate our oil glands,…

Safeguarding Vision for a Digital Age

In an era dominated by screens and digital interfaces, the significance of eye hygiene has never been more crucial. The pervasive use of smartphones, computers, tablets, and other digital devices has substantially increased eye strain and related issues, making proactive…

Dry eye and Screen Time

If you’re like many people, your eyes are on a screen throughout the day: You spend time staring at a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone at work, and on your own time. Nearly 60% of Americans use a digital device for…