As a sufferer of MGD or Blepharitis you will know that that the most common cause is the blocked Meibomian Glands in the eye which stops the lipid tear film protecting the evaporation of the tears and results in itchy and gritty eyes.
In fact, according to research it is estimated over 86% of the 100 million suffers worldwide have some form of MGD which stems from a deficiency in the oily lipid layer of the tear film. There are short term treatments that mask the cause and give symptomatic relief for mild dry suffers, these are commonly eye drops, however in order to treat the causes at the source we must find a way to unblock the glands and this is where heat and manipulation comes in.
Heat effectively melts and dissolves the blockages allowing the lipid to flow again. People with MGD will often keep on getting these blockages so it important that they are monitored, advised and retreated as the disease develops. In mild cases, eye pillow may help delay the progress of the disease prior to intervention with LipiFlow. In more severe cases intervention with LipiFlow may be advised but there is still a role to be played by Electric Eye Pillow in the maintenance of a sufficient lipid level within the eye.
So many of the common heat products that are available on the market do not target the specific glands and subsequently fail to bring the relief you crave. Since they are designed as a warm compress, whether they are wet or dry, that covers the eye socket, most of the heat gets lost around the eyes and absorbed into the skin with very little reaching the actual glands.
Another common issue is the unregulated heat and quick heat loss that does not allow the compress to last at a sufficient temperature for long enough. (If you are using a wet compress you will know that it is a bit of messy job too setting it up, besides the water trickling down your face.) One faces the same challenges regardless whether they are using a towel for hot compress or using are using microwaveable compress.
The Electric Eye Pillow. After reaching out to all our contacts we have found the solution to the challenges we were facing with the hot compress and are proud to announce that we have developed a new way to cure your dry eyes.
What that means is depending on the severity of your condition (Take our free assessment here to learn more) we have a Care Pathway, in place to work through the stages of your dry eye care. If for example a patient has been diagnosed as suffering from mild dry eye we will recommend using drops, improving their close environment as much as possible, possible dietary changes, eye cleaning and blinking exercises. If symptoms are still persisting we will recommend heat specifically Electric Eye Pillow.
For moderate dry eyes symptoms, we recommend the Lipiflow treatment plan. Using the Lipiview system we record and review the lipid flow and other precise details of the eye and then treat the blockages with precision using Lipiflow.
Lipiflow, however, is not a cure for the condition, but brings long term relief for many improving their eye health for a year or more. In order to maintain this relief and extend the time before the return of symptoms we recommend using the Electric Eye Pillow which help keep the lipids flowing. Electric Eye Pillow can be used either by clinicians in practice or training by patients at home.